Art Specs

We can work with a number of different popular file types. Below are some basic guidelines.

Preferred File Types
Vector based: .pdf  or  .eps
Image  based:  *High Resolution (300dpi)  .tiff  or  .png

CorelDraw files (.cdr or .eps)
  • Convert all fonts to curves
  • Make sure all placed images are a minimum 300 dpi and are embedded in the file
  • Convert all colors to Spot Colors
  • Save art at the actual size to be printed
Adobe Illustrator files (.pdf or .eps)
  • Convert all fonts to outlines
  • Make sure all placed images are a minimum 300 dpi and are embedded in the file
  • Convert all colors to Spot Colors
  • Save art at the actual size to be printed
Adobe Photoshop files (.tiff or .png )
  • Create art at the actual size to be printed and save files at 300dpi
  • Rasterize fonts
  • File should be flattened with only an art layer (no background shirt color)

*We cannot work with 72dpi  images that are typically found on the web. Please only use high resolution images when creating art files.